Silly Cartoonist and Illustrator.
I like watercolor. <3

Gabe @Slimygoo



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Slimygoo's News

Posted by Slimygoo - January 14th, 2025

Hey all! It's only been two weeks and the year has already been busy as hell. It's mostly been irl stuff, so there's not too much in the way of art to share. I was able to get something small out, however.

I released a small update to Firewood's visuals. The screen-tone look is fun, but it's a tad hard to work with, especially when working with a digital display. I think the new approach looks better and fits Firewood's overall art direction better.


The whole series up to this point is done, so check it out if you haven't!

Aaannd, that's kind of it for right now. I'll be co-hosting Newgrounds Winterfest 2025 in Feb, so look forward to that.

Otherwise, I'm hoping to have more to share soon! :)


Posted by Slimygoo - December 29th, 2024

Man, for a year where a good chunk of stuff happened, it really feels like it flew by. Honestly, I can still vividly remember writing my 2023 recap. Either way, here we are!

I'm gonna start with the art side of things. I feel the overall quality of my output is an improvement from last year. That's usually the baseline I try to hit. Like last year, I was doing a lot more projects this time, so the raw number of finished illustrations is still low. I made one of those month by month art summaries, and you can see I had to put sketches in some of them, haha! I actually did a LOT of sketching this year now that I think about it. Not too much more to comment on. Watercolor still seems to be my favorite.


Of course, I want to touch on projects! The first one I wanna mention is actually Pico Day.

If anything because it was probably the biggest traditional painting up to that point. It was also kind of last minute, so I must have been painting for three days straight lol. My only complaint is that I couldn't include all the characters I wanted to, and there are a ton of good comics on NG I couldn't get in. (Rorin Rorin, A Girl and Her Droid, Splatterbrain, Skelti-Castle. I am so sorry Snackers ;-;)

I also got to make a site skin this year!

This one was a real blast to work on. I wasn't totally sure how a watercolor painting would look as the site skin, but I'm so glad with how it came out. Tom and I exchanged ideas for a good while, and I think what we arrived on ended up being a real treat. A lot of other people seemed to think so, as the response was frankly overwhelming lol. Y'all showed this one a lot of love. I've said it a million times, but thank you for all the kind words, and thank you Tom for having me on for this.

Finally, the one that means the most to me, personally.


As some of you may know, Firewood has been my main ongoing project for more than a year now. This year, I was able to release chapters 4 and 5, an all-together 64 page two parter! These two chapters especially have been a JOURNEY. A lot of it was me testing myself on whether or not I could reliably continue a story. At this point, I'd say I'm pretty confident in that. I definitely think these are my best work so far in terms of comics. What I will say is that my process is constantly evolving. There was a lot of thoughts of optimization during these two. The main goal of course was to not compromise quality. There are a lot of hats you have to wear when making comics on your own. You gotta write and draw, sure, but you also have to be your own production lead.

I will say, watching this project grow has been insane. I made the first couple chapters with the mind set of proving to myself I could do it. Now this thing is easily graphic novel length. Quite a few of you guys came out to read the new stuff, and it warms my heart like nothing else. If you haven't read Firewood yet, you can check it all out here.

Honestly the non-art side of things was a little less eventful this year. The TMG meetup happened again, and that was a great time. I love being able to meet my Newgrounds pals in person. I don't think any other community has pushed me to the east coast before, let alone twice lol. You can see me in the photo if you squint reeeeeeal hard.


Honestly, that's about all. I've had smaller hangouts with NG pals here and there throughout the year as well. Just about everything else this year was outside of that realm.

And so, I'm now left looking on to 2025. If I were to pick a word to describe my feelings, it's uncertainty. I've been trying to sort through plans and goals, and I well and truly don't know what's going to happen. I feel like my body of work has only gotten better. I now have a graphic novel's worth of comic, and yet I'm just kind of asking myself, "what next?" and I don't have an answer yet. Course, I know trying to predict and curate the future is foolish. I've got a lot to think about for next year.

Anyhow, thanks for reading my word vomit! Regardless of what next year brings, I know art and NG will be a part of it. So thanks for sticking around, and here's to 2025!



Posted by Slimygoo - November 5th, 2024

Hey all! October was a big month, as I had TWO big projects come to completion! That's also why there was only one upload last month, lol.

Firstly, the new wall art! I had always wanted to take a crack at it, so I approached Tom with the idea of doing a watercolor painting for it. Fall is easily my favorite time of year, so when he said he wanted a fall skin I damn near jumped out of my seat. These sorts of projects are always a blast. The painting itself took a few days to make, not counting the time me and Tom were brainstorming. In the end, I think it came out really well! I've been getting a flurry of kind words from both friends and strangers, so I just wanna say thank you! From the friends I've made, to the places I've been, Newgrounds has done a lot for me, so I'm hoping this is a good way for me to give back a little, lol.

The second big project is the new Firewood Chapter. I've been showing progress here and there, but I'm happy to say it's about ready! Expect to see it on November 15th! This is easily my best comic work yet, and I can't wait to share it. Things are starting to get precarious for Polly and co.!

I've said it a million times, but screw it. Thank you Tom and everyone digging the new stuff. Not much left to say except, I'mma get back to work! Look forward to a very festive winter. :)




Posted by Slimygoo - October 1st, 2024

Hey all, and happy October! There's alot to look forward to this month, but I wanted to reflect a little bit.

On this day last year, I uploaded the first chapter of Firewood to Newgrounds. I tend to remember it as a big "pulling off the band-aid" thing. It was a head first dive into storytelling that I was unsure of but knew I ultimately wanted to do. So, even though I've had these characters and these ideas for a long time, it almost feels like I made the comic on a whim.

Which makes it even more crazy to me how the project has grown over the past year. I've been plucking away at it whenever I can, and the total page cont has reached 100! (plus more if you count the upcoming chapter)

It was an insane amount of work, yet it almost feels like I blinked and now we're up to chapter 4.

If you're wondering how I feel about all this, I'm not sure to be honest, lol. This sort of project is still kinda foreign to me.

It's mostly been a whole lot of learning. All I really know for sure is I want to make more. Speaking of, the new chapter ought to drop sometime this month.

If you've been reading Firewood up to this point, thank you! It's a story that's very dear to me, and if a few people are enjoying it too, then that makes me real glad. If you haven't I'll link the playlist below the drawing. The whole thing is available to read on Newgrounds.



Posted by Slimygoo - August 23rd, 2024

Hey all! Summer has been more eventful than ever for me this year. There has been quite a bit goin' on over

the last few months, so I wanted to talk a bit about what I did and what I've been working on!

Just like last year, I attended the big meetup at the Too Many Games Expo. On top of spending a whole week with my good friends, once again I got to meet a bunch of other Newgrounders in person. Despite all the funny bits about online artists being anti-social, this website always seems to facilitate people coming together in a fantastic way! Big shoutout to

@CorTat-G and @DrewPBalls for nailing it again this year. If I met YOU (yes you) out there, uuhhhh hi!


After that, it was a lot of personal traveling, Stuff with friends and family outside of the site. I made sure to not to neglect art while I was out and about, but I really only had time for some sketching and a good amount of writing. I do always love a trip to the Great Lakes, and Canada was also pretty neat (minus the goofy ass paper straws). What I mean to say is, if you're wondering why uploads have been sparse, I've barely been at home, lol.

Not to say I haven't been making ANYTHING. Far from it! Chapter 5 of Firewood is well into production right now. Since things are begining to wind down for the year, I'll have a lot more time to crank it out. I've been dropping little behind the scenes bits here and there on twitter, but here I've got the first two pages! (Apologies if the screentones look weird in the post)



If you've been reading Firewood up to this point, thank you!!! I have an absolute blast working on this thing, so when I hear about folks enjoying themselves reading it (some of y'all were at TMG <3) it feels indescribable. If you haven't read it yet, have a look! A kid throws a whole ass coyote with his mind in chapter 3, it's great!

One last thing, my good bud @Bacun has a makeship campaign going on! If you're on Newgrounds a lot, I KNOW y'all like Rebutia, so consider giving the campaign some love!



Anyhow, that's it outta me! See y'all around the next comic or painting or perhaps when festival shenanigans start up again ;)


Posted by Slimygoo - April 7th, 2024

Alright, the new chapter of Firewood drops this Saturday!

This one took a little longer to finish than I would have liked. Throwing my back out in January probably

didn't help too much (take care of yourself, kids!).

Either way, really excited about this one! Here's some pics of

the boards.iu_1186133_4503177.webp


~big ol stack of comic pages~

With these, the total page count has reached 100 PAGES! (dear God what have I done)

I'm gonna focus on getting this thing ready for primetime, and hopefully do an actual painting next!

Catch ya'll soon




Posted by Slimygoo - December 31st, 2023

Welp, 2023 has wrapped up! This has been, without exaggeration, the biggest year yet for me and my work! Of course, alot happened in my personal life too, but i'd like to keep it focused on the art stuff here.

I would have done one of those cool "best piece of each month" recaps, but I don't really have enough paintings this time hehehe. Not because I drew less (far from it), but we'll get to that later. I did have time to put this lil painting together though!

The first highlight was definitely the TMG meet-up in Philly. I got to spend an insane week with my close friends that I'd met over the past couple years. I would have been satisfied with just getting to see my pals and doodling together, but seeing what that event exploded into was something to behold. I got to meet alot of cool folks out there (you know who you are <3), and I got to make some great memories! I'm not one to share photos, so here's the poster made by @CorTat-G and @Hibachi !

Next I'll touch on Newgrounds Summerfest! I remember when the first one was in the planning stages back in 2021 with @Stanpai and @LilSpook. It proved to be a cool evolution to end up asisting in running the event alongside @Kekiiro and @Anislug! I didn't do much in the way of hosting, but I was able to direct our opening animation! It was a wild month and a half, and I think the final animation came out beautifully. If you're reading this and you worked on it, let me extend one more thank you! I really don't know if I can say it enough lol. I'll link below to the OP animation, as well as the YT channel where you can watch all of the programming we had! It was a blast.


Lastly, I'm happy to say I released a comic this year! I've been working on Firewood since at least last spring. I'm really excited about it, which might be obvious since I've basically been plastering Polly and co. all over the damn place. Working on it has probably been the most fulfilling thing, art wise, that I've ever done, watching a story in my head materialize into what's now 3 chapters and counting! Needless to say, I'm raring to make more in the new year!

If you've read the story, it means so much that you'd take the time out of your day to do so! "Thank you" barely cuts it lol. If you haven't, give it a quick look! It's got a bit of the Sandlot, mixed with a bit of Bioshock and the like. If that sounds dope to you, here's the playlist! Look forward to more chapters in '24!

Here's to 2023! A year where I feel a lot things have culminated for me. Course, that doesn't mean the work is over hehe. Happy New Year, and cheers all!





Posted by Slimygoo - September 27th, 2023

Hey all! It's been a long time comin', but I

can finally share this with you all in earnest!

Now that the update to the site has dropped, I'm going to release

my new comic, Firewood, on October 1st!


Firewood is the story of three "well behaved" kids living in Firewood, MI.

It's an out of the way place, so small that outsiders might find it eerie.

To Polly, Corey, and Gordon it's just home. Until one night, when the three

find a bracelet that grants the wearer strange powers!

What would three unruly and unsupervised kids do with such power?

Probably nothing good, but they'll need it for what lies ahead!

You can read chapter 1 in two parts on October 1st,

exclusively here on Newgrounds!

I also want to give a big thank you to @PsychoGoldfish and @TomFulp for

this insane update! This release wouldn't be possible otherwise, so thank you from the bottom

of my heart!

I look forward to making more, and I hope you all look forward to reading!

-Gabe "Slimygoo"-



Posted by Slimygoo - December 27th, 2022

I wanted to start with thanking you guys for 1k fans! You guys have shown alot off love for my stuff and I'm filled with gratitude. I'm very proud to call Newgrounds my home!


I also wanted to include my 2022 art summary here! It's been an odd year for art. There was a lot of experimentation and changing of media and trying different things and all kinds of things. It was fun, though I feel I lacked focus in alot of places. It was a struggle to find stuff to put in March in April -_-


As far as what's next, uuuuuuuuuuhhhhh....I dunno lol

Happy New Year, fools :3



Posted by Slimygoo - June 30th, 2022

The photoscanner has been coming in handy! Check out the paintings reuploaded so far!
